For some reason, all the subway drawings I've done recently are all of ladies. I don't know why. I certainly didn't set out to draw only ladies. I only noticed it when I was scanning them in. But then I thought, why not just go with it? Perhaps next the next subway drawing post will be the all men edition?
This lady, looking a little anxious, was clutching a wrapped food item. She was keeping an eagle eye on the stations to make sure she didn't miss her stop!
I like my Kindle plenty, but they make it really hard for us book peepers to see what people are reading. So inconsiderate.
The sleepers are a magnet for artists on the subway. So tired! So unaware they're being drawn!
This lady was the opposite. She *knew* what I was doing and wasn't sure she liked it. She was giving everyone that look, though.
And this girl was in her own world, with her amazing red-orange puffy jacket with lavender trim.